Various media articles, tv interviews and radio shows featuring Dr. Somers and others on relevant topics appear here. Please read and share those of interest.
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Drug Decriminalization Changes Nothing
Drug decriminalization changes nothing. Taxpayers will fund more addictive drugs from pharmaceutical companies, sold by users, adding to harm. Need treatment.
Drug Decriminalization Debate
Drug decriminalization debate with Dr. Julian Somers, addiction research leader and Guy Felicella featured on radio. Fact: No one being jailed for possession.
“Safe supply” being sold to minors
Critics are raising concerns that opioid drugs from Vancouver’s narcotic vending machines could be ending up in the hands of youth.
The MySafe company gets a 3.5 million contract from federal government.
Drug possession convictions only 3.8 per cent.
An SFU study found drug possession convictions were only 3.8 percent, so how will “decriminalizing” drugs get people well? Dr. Julian Somers says more actual treatment based on what works well in places like Portugal are needed, not more experiments.
Decriminalize Drugs-Pharmaceutical Wins
The real winners in BC’s drug decriminalization experiment are pharmaceutical companies who created the opioid addiction problem.
Drug Decriminalization, No Improvement
Drug decriminalization and $33M spent, no treatment improvement.
Oregon has second-highest rate of substance abuse in US, ranked dead last for treatment access.
War on drug addiction – Globe & Mail
Drug addiction: The metrics that matter are fewer overdoses, hospitalizations and deaths. Decriminalization will fail without creating more treatment spaces.
BC is alone in drug decriminalization
We should not be the only location offering drug decriminalization and using taxpayer funds to give illicit drugs to more and more people.
Safe supply advocates are investors too
“Safe supply” advocates often invested in the companies or drug distributors that directly benefit from publicly funded harmful drugs revealed on CKNW.
“Safe supply” is just a marketing term
“Safe supply” of publicly funded harmful drugs is just marketing with no evidence of success.
Portugal has: recovery, job skills, 0 consumption sites.
Canadians Oppose Decriminalization
Decriminalization is opposed by Canadians, confirm federal government-funded focus groups. But BC is proceeding anyway.
BC to decriminalize harmful drugs
BC government to decriminalize drugs after ordering 20 years of health, criminal justice, social services addictions data destroyed.