Decriminalizing drugs will be a disaster

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Washington Examiner, Feb. 13, 2023

Decriminalizing drugs is driven by ideology and researchers who don’t believe that rehabilitation is possible or desirable, say addiction doctors.

“Rehabilitation is not only underfunded in Canada, it is often actively scorned. Over the past month, I interviewed more than 10 addiction physicians across Canada who expressed deep concern about the government’s drug policies. 🧐

They said that, though policymakers publicly claim to champion rehabilitation, realities are different on the ground. Recovery-based treatments are discouraged because they are believed to be “stigmatizing” and an infringement upon an individual’s “human right” to seek pleasure in drugs regardless of the harm to communities. 🔎

Troublingly, when Dr. Julian Somers, a leading addiction expert at Simon Fraser University, criticized British Columbia’s drug policies and advocated recovery-oriented housing, the province responded by ordering the destruction of his main database and freezing him out of future consultations.”

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