National Post, May 9, 2023
“Safe supply” drugs given freely to addicts at taxpayer cost, are being sold on the black market at “rock bottom prices” to youth and others so addicts can buy stronger Fentanyl. This is
“fuelling a new opioid crisis.” Addiction physicians say “these freely distributed drugs through government funded programs are not curbing the fentanyl market, they’re subsidizing it” and “lining the pockets of drug dealers and gangs. Physicians are reporting a new wave of opioid addictions that has been particularly pronounced among youth.”
Critics of safe supply are “subject to harassment or professional retribution, creating an atmosphere of fear and self-censorship.”
Dr. Somers and his team concluded that safer supply is “a human experiment that conflicts with the ethical principles of physicians, clinical psychologists and other regulated health professionals.” For that research, he was bullied by a connected group of safe supply advocates in an attempt to silence him.
Read the whole story at the button below. Send a message by demanding political leaders listen to drug addiction experts, not activists or those invested in pharmaceutical companies they call “safe supply”.